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WE made some young hotel desk clerks day
We meet up with a couple and attend a concert. Afterwards head to a local hotel for some FUN. The room includes a small soaking tub.The two ladies and I get nekid, jump in and pretty much fill the tub. The other husband not to be left out decides to join us. His addition causes the tub to overflow and water goes everywhere. We of course panic and grab some towel to mop up the water. Its obvious we need more towels, so I call down to the front desk and ask for additional towels. About 5 minutes later there is a knock on the door We are all still nekid and the lady we are with reacts and runs to the door, opens it to grab the towel. Standing there is a young man with a bunch of towels and he gets the surprise of his life when this nekid lady (with a nice rack) is steering at hims and standing there waiting for towels. A huge smile appears across his face and now he has a story to tell all of his buddies. Of course no one will believe him! She never realized what she had done. We had such a good laugh and then a couple of great sessions. We wondered if the young kid went into the bathroom and jerked off? I know I would've.
True story