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The Porn Star, My wife

Pages: 1

This is a fictional story, though it almost happened. Contains, female submission, bondage, spanking,

She was the Star, but didn’t know the script had changed!

My wife is approaching 40 and as she says, a 40 year old woman has the sex drive of a 18 year old boy. Now I don’t know about you guys, but those are fond memories for me, and as Toby sings”I’m not as good as I once was, but I’m as good once as I ever was.”.That my readers is how my wife came to be invited to star in a porn movie. Now tell me ladies, you really never even fantasized about it? Come on, what are you doing on this site if your sexual urges are that repressed. This was the second time she had been recruited and it seemed that she just might go for it.

If the “script” they were offering was more to her liking, I have no doubt she would have said yes on the phone, but the script was a little iffy for my better half. To call it a script would have been a huge exaggeration. Basically, she was to be the “older” next door neighbor that got sick and tired of the late night noise from next door where two very well endowed young ladies lived. Being fed up, she waited until the two latest hunks who had spent the night next door left and proceeded to go knock on the door of the two young ladies next door and was going to give them more than a piece of her mind. She was to find them barely dressed in flimsy nighties with their huge tits clearly visible and turn them into little submissive humiliated sluts on the spot. This was to be followed by plenty of hot lesbian sex, some spanking and a lot of degrading the two young sluts.. Though she actually prefers being submissive they had her cast as a dominant to these two young vulnerable women. I think my shrink calls it a “superman complex” or something to that effect, Hey it’s been a few years, but I always want to “fix” things for those around me that I care about.

Faster than a speeding bullet, etc, thus this story is being written. I plan to give this script to the “producer” ( if they actually have one) in hopes that his movie will be better, my wife’s part will be more to her liking and frankly, they will sell a lot more units with this script than a straight lesbian porn with no men.

It begins:

She knocked on the door looking around and seeing that both their cars were there , she knocked again and finally one of the two girls answered the door looking like she had maybe 15 minutes of sleep. Raven asked if she could come in for a moment as she had a matter of some importance to discuss with the girl and her roommate. The other roommate wandered by the door about that time and said ,”Let her in, what does she want anyway?”. The first girl motioned Raven inside and pointed to a chair as she flopped down on the couch with very little regard if any to the “picture” she presented. The other girl was sitting about the same. A photo of either one would not have cleared an “r” rating with the amount of tits and ass and pussy that was clearly visible. Now Raven’s thoughts started to get a little jumbled looking at these two. They may have had a rough night but they looked pretty damned tempting. She gathered her thoughts and started telling them that the noise level late at night, the cars coming and going, and the men leaving the next day was just not acceptable behavior for two young ladies. The second girl laughed and said “What makes you think that we are young ladies?”. She and the other girl started to laugh but Raven quickly rose from the chair grabbed the second girl and pulled her over her lap as she sat back down. The girl was so startled that by the time she started to protest Raven was busy showing her what happens to little sluts asses when they don’t behave. She was spanking the shit out of her very fine ass and the girl was quickly changing attitudes. The other girl finally started to protest, but Raven assured her the best thing that could happen to her was that she shut her mouth and wait her turn. The girl over Raven’s lap was now flailing her legs about and Raven took the opportunity to reach between the girls legs and as she suspected, the girl was already dripping wet. She reached the waistband of her panties and ripped them down and off in one quick movement. Now she was playing with the girls pussy and explaining to her at the same time that young ladies don’t act like sluts and not pay a price. She brought her very near to climax and then rolled her off her lap motioning the other girl to take her place. As though she were in a trance the girl obeyed and soon found her 42dd’s being squeezed between Raven’s thighs effectively holding her in place in very painful manner. Raven wasted no time before she started the assault on the girls backside and giving her the verbal assault that she felt this young slut deserved. She was explaining how things were going to work from now on and enjoying the young girls tits squeezed between her legs. The young girls ass was quickly becoming bright red and Raven enjoyed taking time to “soothe it” by rubbing her ass and telling the young thing to spread her legs wide if she didn’t want more spanking. The girl definitely enjoyed Raven’s hand on her pussy more than the spanking and the girl that Raven had rolled off of her lap was just flat jealous and getting hornier , if that’s possible after what Raven had done to her, by the minute.

Raven’s back was to the front door and with all the moaning coming from both girls and the talking to she was giving the girls she failed to notice the car containing the two guys that left earlier had pulled into the drive. She also failed to notice that the two guys plus another friend of theirs were now standing behind her watching Raven have her way with the young girl on her lap. In the process of administering the “just punishment” that she felt they deserved Raven had become quite worked up herself, Her own pussy was acting like a slut and was making her think of other things she could make the girls do for her to repay her. If she hadn’t been so worked up she might have closed the short silk robe which was the only thing covering Raven’s ample tits, pierced nipples and shaved pussy. It seems that in the process of doing the “right thing” Ravens robe had become open and most of her own charms were on display. Hell if the girl hadn’t been across her lap they could have seen how wet raven’s pussy had become. The three young guys had certainly noticed Raven’s tits, the piercing and how hard her nipples were. They also had planned on doing whatever they wanted with these two young sluts and Raven’s actions were not allowing that and her words were discouraging exactly what they had planned for the day. These three weren’t going to let this very hot “lady” from next door fuck up their day. They were nodding and motioning back and forth between them and finally moved closer behind Raven and the struggling girl. If Raven hadn’t been thinking of what she wanted to do with these two sluts, she might have noticed the girl sitting on the couch opposite of her watching the three guys make silent motions and take positions to start what was going to be a long day for Raven, but she didn’t notice because she was busy planning how she was going to make these two lick her clit until she was fully satisfied.

The girl on her lap was squirming around too much and Raven raised her hand high to slap the little sluts ass hard. Her hand never made it. Tony, the oldest and “ringleader” of the group grabbed her wrist and stopped the motion of her arm almost effortlessly. She was shocked and reacted quickly to pull her arm free by reaching up for the person behind her, she didn’t know there were three of them. Her second hand was grabbed by Larry, who was by far the largest of the three at 6ft 4in and 245lbs. He pulled her arm back with one hand and Tony’s little brother Charlie took the opportunity when Raven started to yell at them to stuff a washcloth that had been laying close by when they were making plans into her mouth, quieting Raven’s protest and amusing the two girls with very sore bottoms to no end. Tony told the girls to grab something to tie this bitch up with and both girls jumped up and ran to grab the ropes and tape, as well as a few other things, from the room that they liked to call the “play room”. They returned quickly and within moments Ravens hands were secured behind her back and her legs were cuffed to a spreader bar that left nothing unshown between her legs. Tony sat on one side and Larry the other while Charlie took liberties with Raven’s very vulnerable and wet pussy. Tony and Larry were busy playing with Raven’s tits, squeezing the orbs and pinching, twisting, licking and biting her nipples. The girls were very busy talking to Raven about what happens to neighbors that stick their nose in where it doesn’t belong, and lecturing her on appropriate attire to visit neighbors in. They were explaining in no uncertain terms that when a lady leaves the house with nothing but a short silk robe on, no underwear or bra, there is a real danger that the people she is visiting might take that as an opportunity or invitation to play with her body at their will. Tony spoke for the whole group when he said, “I for one, think this bitch needs to be shown what can happen to her”. Hell, by the time we get through with her she will either be here every day or she will run so far so fast that she will be in a foreign country by morning without even the use of modern transportation.

The girl (Carolyn) that had been on Raven’s lap when the boys took over now had recovered from her very harsh spanking and was standing in front of Raven. She turned and showed her ass to Raven and explained that the red that she saw on Carolyn’s lap was going to look like white compared to Raven’s ass when they got through with it. She grabbed Raven’s hair with one hand pushing back and grabbed Raven’s pussy with the other slipping two fingers all the way in and pulling up hard enough to hurt a little. She smiled at Raven and said ,”Do you hear me bitch?” Raven couldn’t have said anything if she knew what to say, so Carolyn used her hair to make a very exaggerated nodding motion, and said ,”good, we understand each other clearly. Carolyn and the other girl ( Susan) started closing doors, windows, and shades. Tony, Larry, and Charlie were enjoying the use of Raven’s body and watching the two girls red butts run around making the house secure from outside eyes.

Susan, seeing that the house was secure, said that if no one objected she would like to take the bitch to the playroom and play the drums on her butt for a while. Everyone laughed and Larry stood, picking Raven up over his shoulder like she weighed ten pounds and headed off to the “play room” to everyone’s delight except Raven.

Arriving in the playroom first, Susan told the boys to hold up for a minute outside the door. She went inside and returned with a very thick blindfold and secured on Raven making everything go black for her. She laughed and said that this bitch doesn’t need to know who does what from this point on, she just needs to know that we are going to do whatever we want for as long as we want and there is nothing she can do about it. Raven’s mind was going 100 MPH, it was Saturday and she didn’t expect anyone until Sunday afternoon, and worse yet, she had intentionally not planned anything this weekend because between work and these two sluts keeping her up half the night every night, she needed a weekend to recuperate. It really didn’t look like that was going to happen now. Truth is, her pussy was wetter now than when she was spanking the girls and having all of those nasty thoughts. She was brought back to the present when Larry put her down and she was told to stand still.

Now, we are going to try to be nice and civil here and if you have any sense you will do the same. I’m going to remove that gag and as long as you don’t scream, or talk too much, it will stay off. If you can’t, well, let’s just say that we can do it the hard way, it’s up to you. She slowly removed the gag and Raven was glad to be able to stretch and move her mouth again. Carolyn enter the room about that time and popped a bottle of champagne. This calls for a celebration, and she poured glasses for everyone but Raven’s was filled with straight vodka. Everyone except raven cheered as they toasted. Carolyn grabbed Raven’s hair and pulled back then told her to open her mouth for her drink. A couple of sharp yanks on her hair encouraged Raven enough that she opened her mouth and Carolyn poured the vodka down her throat. She repeated this little ritual several times, each time they toasted with champagne and each time Raven got a couple of shots of vodka poured down her throat. Needless to say, the alcohol didn’t help her concentrate on all the things that were wrong about this situation. It did however seem to make her wetter by the minute.

She had not been bothered too much but suddenly she was pulled forward and bent over something. Her legs were spread and tied and her tits hung over the other end. A vibrator was placed against her clit and turned on low. Just as she began to enjoy it , she felt the belt crack on her ass and she yelped with pain. Charlie said , “I’ll shut her up”, and with that he grabbed her hair and said “Don’t bite” and shoved his cock in her mouth. The next 5 or was it six cracks of the belt were as harsh as the first and she was sucking for all she was worth trying to keep her mind off of her ass. That and the vibrator were helping. Tony noticed that she was paying less attention to her ass which was now bright red and burning and more attention to what speed he kept changing the vibrator to. He leaned forward rubbing against her hot butt and grabbed both nipple very firmly, but not rough, he leaned further and whispered in her ear,” You are going to cum aren’t you?”. When she didn’t answer he pulled hard on her nipples and repeated the question. This time she moaned and nodded her head yes while never taking her mouth off of Charlie’s cock.

“Don’t you come until you have permission or I’ll make you wish you hadn’t.” Her hips were moving up and down rubbing that vibrator against her clit. “Are you ready to be fucked?” She nodded yes and he asked her if she would agree to let them all have their way with her willingly if he would let her come. She didn’t hesitate, she took her mouth off of Charlie’s cock and said”somebody fuck me please.” Charlie pulled his cock from her and walked behind her. Ask nicely for me to fuck you.

She had never even thought about asking to be fucked, every man wanted her so she didn’t have to. But here, strapped to whatever this was and her butt on fire and her clit swollen and hard, oh yeah, she was asking because she felt like she would erupt if she didn’t. His answer was swift and hard. Tony picked her head up and stuffed his cock in her and Charlie plunged all the way in with one stroke. It literally took her breath away, but Tony made it all better, “You may cum bitch.” Her orgasm racked her body and she was moving as much as possible on that dick while Tony was fucking her face , hard. It didn’t take long before Charlie was losing it, with one final thrust she felt him erupt inside her and she erupted right along with him. Tony looks at her and says one down, how many more do you think will be.

He pulled his dick out and walked behind her. Larry took his place and she couldn’t believe what she felt go in her mouth, he was huge and a gentle giant. She couldn’t help but see the pattern of mouth to pussy, so she new that this monster would soon be pounding her, and truth be known she was looking forward to it. Larry pulled his cock out and asked Raven if she was curious what the girls were doing. She said that she had wondered, but was afraid to ask.

They are making sure that you come back on request. “What do you mean ?” Raven asked. Well Carolyn is running the video camera and it would be my guess that she has some pretty good stuff by now. Susan went to your house and got this. She couldn’t see, but he started reading names and addresses and phone numbers of everyone she knew. Her face dropped. Now, he slid his dick back in her mouth and began to explain how the rules went. Anytime any of them called she was to be there, if not, she would receive one strike and three strikes and the video goes to one person, anonymously of course. The second strikeout and it would go to two people, etc. You are going to be one very busy bitch, so you might as well enjoy it. Tony leaned over her and started fucking harder than before and maybe harder than she had ever been fucked. “I can’t control myself, just the thought of that makes me want to , and he started cummin in her, she started too, and he asked, are you going to be a good slave for us? She nodded her head first , and then said it loud and clear, “ I will be there and do what I am told to do, or you are welcome to punish me by exposing what a whore I really am now, and always wanted to be.” Thank You for making me see what I really wanted to be”.

Tony pulled out and Larry headed towards her already well used pussy. Susan stepped in front of him and leaned over Raven,” I owe you 32 licks and your going to get them, now!” She got up and Carolyn sat down in front of Raven with her legs wide. She grabbed her head by the hair and buried Raven’s face in her pussy. Nobody had to tell Raven what to do with a pussy, she was probably the best ever with her tongue, and she started to prove it quickly. Susan gave the camcorder to Charlie and the camera to Tony and said get some shots of this and Charlie if you don’t get a good video you will be bent over this thing next. “Yes Ma’am” said Charlie

Raven’s ass was scarlet red and it was fixing to get used again. Susan knew her ass was very hot already so the first 25 licks were fairly soft and bearable. Carolyn was cummin all over herself again and again. Susan again leaned in and informed Raven playtime was over, 7 licks left and you are going to feel them, I promise. With that she took a good position and picked up the crop. Everyone in the room sighed and leaned back just a little out of reflex.

“Are you ready bitch?” Susan asked. Hesitating just a little but knowing it made no difference, she finally said,” Yes, I’m ready. Susan laughed, and asked Raven if she had ever heard the statement,” This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you.”? Raven nodded yes and Susan laughed at her and said, “Believe me, in this case, that isn’t true”. Before Raven could say anything the crop sliced the air and made a very loud crack on Raven’s ass. If she hadn’t been tied securely she would have easily hit the ceiling. Two more quick ones left stripes on her right cheek and without hesitation three quick ones matched them to the other cheek. Raven couldn’t believe how bad it hurt and yet her pussy was on fire. “How many was that?” and without waiting for a response gave her one more on each cheek. That’s it, we are even. “Larry, she is ready for your dick now>” and he didn’t have to be asked twice. Raven felt the stripes on her ass as Larry started fucking her with that monster. She also felt the most intense orgasm of her life. He didn’t last long, and Susan was enjoying the tongue on her clit courtesy of Raven whom she had just striped. Larry started cummin and so did Susan, again, she grabbed Raven’s hair and pulled her face to her cunt and ground it hard. Raven was cummin to and there was no denying that this was the most intense sex she had ever had with anyone anywhere.

All were satisfied for the moment, and Raven was released and told she was free to leave as she pleased. She stood there a moment, then walked over to Carolyn and said, “Got anymore of that champagne, I think I’ll stay awhile if nobody minds?”. Carolyn leaned in and gave her a kiss. There’s plenty and you certainly deserve it.

Six hours later, Raven made it home and collapsed into bed. What a day it had been. Life was changed, forever.

Sometimes, not often, fantasy is better than reality.

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