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FORUMS Events Virginia Single in the DMV #COVID-19 #Staycation
TOPIC: Single in the DMV #COVID-19 #Staycation
Created by: andback2reality
Original Starting post for this thread:
Single in the DVM. I work an ungodly amount of hours when I work and then there is always family and my own business that I need to take care of when I am not working so there is not a lot of time to play. Now that I am on #Staycation I am trying to take care of the to-dos and find playmates ( I usually keep them around for a while when I do, however most have either moved or moved on) to connect with and do Adult things. With the whole lock down thing going on and the fact that I worry about not only my health but that of family around me, it seems even harder to find someone that is worth spending it with ( I am also kind of picky don’t do married/attached and not into Bi). Is it that the Single Men of the DMV were not taugh the ways of SwingLifeStyle or is it just that I am too picky? Maybe a bit of both. I have given my number out and texted extensively, I have chatted on the wonderful message system here, and yet rarely an actual phone call (that is a rule because there are lots of pic collectors out there).mSo are there rules now that I am not aware of? I have been in and out of the lifestyle through out the years and I must say it is very different from back in the day. Are we just not social creatures anymore? I mean “togetherness” and social interaction is what drew me in. Now it seems that we only have it if we go to the clubs,house parties and meet and greets but even there they are not always welcoming and some even expect you to play or leave ( that totally blows my mind). So now that I have a little time (I know this won’t last long in my line of work) I am trying to figure all this out. The real questions are.... Are single men brought in and told ‘there is just straight fucking if they send you a message and you don’t have to talk to them’? Is it that those that are single just not into a interactive communication with a lifestyle connection? Am I just attracted to rude people ( I do have a physical preference but it is more the person)? Is there a hand pamphlet that can be given out prior to signing up for the lifestyle? Is my profile just too intense that everyone thinks I want to get married ( I know it is long and everyone gets two lines in a think ‘someone please put a cock in her hands/ mouth or both. I just put most of it there to deter the one liners I get but I still get a lot. I am also open to suggestions )? What can one do to connect better now that there are no “Hot Dates” and Social Gatherings to attend?

These are the things someone (and I am sure it is not just me) would like to know if you have the time to respond.

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Single in the DVM. I work an ungodly amount of hours when I work and then there is always family and my own business that I need to take care of when I am not working so there is not a lot of time to play. Now that I am on #Staycation I am trying to take care of the to-dos and find playmates ( I usually keep them around for a while when I do, however most have either moved or moved on) to connect with and do Adult things. With the whole lock down thing going on and the fact that I worry about not only my health but that of family around me, it seems even harder to find someone that is worth spending it with ( I am also kind of picky don’t do married/attached and not into Bi). Is it that the Single Men of the DMV were not taugh the ways of SwingLifeStyle or is it just that I am too picky? Maybe a bit of both. I have given my number out and texted extensively, I have chatted on the wonderful message system here, and yet rarely an actual phone call (that is a rule because there are lots of pic collectors out there).mSo are there rules now that I am not aware of? I have been in and out of the lifestyle through out the years and I must say it is very different from back in the day. Are we just not social creatures anymore? I mean “togetherness” and social interaction is what drew me in. Now it seems that we only have it if we go to the clubs,house parties and meet and greets but even there they are not always welcoming and some even expect you to play or leave ( that totally blows my mind). So now that I have a little time (I know this won’t last long in my line of work) I am trying to figure all this out. The real questions are.... Are single men brought in and told ‘there is just straight fucking if they send you a message and you don’t have to talk to them’? Is it that those that are single just not into a interactive communication with a lifestyle connection? Am I just attracted to rude people ( I do have a physical preference but it is more the person)? Is there a hand pamphlet that can be given out prior to signing up for the lifestyle? Is my profile just too intense that everyone thinks I want to get married ( I know it is long and everyone gets two lines in a think ‘someone please put a cock in her hands/ mouth or both. I just put most of it there to deter the one liners I get but I still get a lot. I am also open to suggestions )? What can one do to connect better now that there are no “Hot Dates” and Social Gatherings to attend?

These are the things someone (and I am sure it is not just me) would like to know if you have the time to respond.

Wilmington NC US
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TOPIC: Single in the DMV COVID-19 Staycation